If you’ve been promoting your business for some time, you’ll have heard about the value of “writing your own book”. You might even have written a novel, history or ‘how-to’ book as a passion project.

But like podcasts, huge numbers of people are now choosing to LISTEN to books, using services like Audible.

Audio quality and vocal delivery are key to a comfortable listen – but are also a REQUIREMENT when it comes to getting the book accepted by Audible.

I have extensive experience in getting audiobooks recorded, edited and accepted; some of my work can be found here, here and here.

There’s power in the author voicing their own book – you, after all, know your content best – but we can also supply voiceover talent.

On top of the voice, you’ll be needing to think about adaptation for audio, editing, audio mastering, descriptions and uploading, artwork and promotional clips. Verbu can help with all of that.

The basic rate for Verbu’s audiobook service is £250+VAT per finished hour, but this can vary depending on the project. Get in touch for a no obligation chat and let’s make your written book into an audio reality!